Employee Retention Grant Scheme available to assist disabled employees remain at work
Employee Retention Grant Scheme
The Employee Retention Grant scheme, administered by the Department of Social Protection since January 2012 is open to all employers in the private sector.
The Scheme was introduced to encourage employers to keep on existing employees who get sick or injured or develop a disability whether occupational or not. It is intended to assist the employees in their ability to carry out their normal duties in the workplace.
A grant introduced to assist employer re-train eligible employees is available to all companies in the private sector so that they can undertake alternative duties or continue to engage in their existing duties with the assistance of some modifications.
The Employee Retention grant involves two stages as follows:
Stage 1 – Development of the Retention Strategy
Up to 90% of the costs of developing a strategy can be funded up to a maximum of €2,500 per employee in Stage 1.
Stage 2 – Implementation of the Retention Strategy
During this second stage, funding up to 90% of eligible programme costs is available subject to a maximum of €12,500 for each applicant.
For More On Employee Retention Grant Scheme Read:
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