Non-tech tips to ensure payroll security and confidentiality
Payroll employees shouldn’t be the weak link in payroll security and confidentiality
Cybersecurity falls outside the remit of most payroll service providers. And while many payroll employees view cybersecurity as a worthwhile and necessary practice, the siloed nature of modern organisations often means they are unaware of the security risks.
Increasingly cybersecurity experts view internal risks caused by improper training and system usage as one of the primary security issues. This is particularly true for UK Payroll Services where employees can easily and unwittingly compromise sensitive payroll information if the correct training and processes are not in place.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and while many businesses spend a small fortune on their IT systems and their security, a network can easily be compromised without employee vigilance.
The following are non-technical measures for staff members that can help ensure payroll data security and confidentially, and while this isn’t a fully comprehensive list of measures it’s a good starting point to help a business implement employee payroll processing security improvements.
- Be sure to log off of the payroll system before moving away from your computer
- Don’t give anyone else your login details
- Use complex passwords
- Ensure your computer screen cannot be seen by unauthorised people when working on payroll
- Only store payroll data in your business’ designated space
- You should only access your payroll system from your business’ network. Beware of phishing and hacking when accessing elsewhere.
- Only use the data as it was intended
- Don’t discuss payroll details with or within the hearing distance of unauthorised people
- Only give payroll data to authorised personnel
- If you are outsourcing to a payroll provider ensure that the appropriate legal documents, such as a non-disclosure agreement, are signed and ensure that communication is secure (e.g. sensitive data in emails should be encrypted)
- Limit access levels in the payroll system and stick to the access level that you should have (e.g. if you are only processing tax forms you shouldn’t have access to, and should stay away from, wages and deductions)
There are many other measures that can help ensure payroll data security and confidentiality but a crucial non-tech measure for payroll staff is to Always Be Vigilant – don’t be the weak link in your payroll system.
For more related to payroll confidentiality read:
Paycheck Plus, Your Outsourced Payroll Provider
Paycheck Plus is an award-winning Irish payroll bureau that specialises in payroll outsourcing. With industry-leading accuracy levels and a strict approach to confidentiality, our specialist payroll service provides national and international payroll to organisations of all sizes.
Our expert outsourced payroll providers can offer you a comprehensive payroll processing service which includes payroll consultancy, payroll audits, payroll reporting, Irish payroll training, Irish and UK company registration, redundancy, payroll projects and other ad-hoc payroll projects.
To contact our Irish payroll firm simply request a call-back or call +353 (0) 1 905 9400